Wednesday, September 5, 2018

They Have Gone Insane

I like Twitter. There, I said it. I don't use it like many do, i think, which is why I like it. I actually preferred the 140 character requirement!  It's more a news feed for me.

I made the mistake of checking twitter during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings yesterday and was greeted with a few conservatives calling out the crazy that was happening on the left.

I'm not even going to link to any screenshots of the now-deleted tweets about Zina Bash's hand, but I will say this:

If you saw a "sign" in this, you need to do some serious self-evaluation. It was you, not her, and you are seeing things to the point of being crazy.
If you believed, liked, or re-tweeted the crazy, you are an asshole.

You may even be a friend of mine, I know some folks that have gone crazy with politics lately. You are still my friend, as far as I am concerned, but you may be an asshole. Stop that, please.
Many of the comments, replies, and other crazy talk is how Mrs. Bash, the daughter of a legal immigrant Mom and Grandparents on her Dad's side, is still racist because of her racist immigration policies working for Trump, blah, blah, blah. It's as though they literally cannot conceptualize that someone can have a different take on immigration policy, and that a child of immigrants can think that ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IS A PROBLEM.

Granted, I have a different perspective from many, as, like her, my wife is a 1st generation American, the daughter of a Dutch man and a German woman that are US citizens and are all conservative and against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

Remember that word, "illegal?" It amuses us greatly how often it gets forgotten on the news, etc, and "immigrants" are discussed as though all have attempted to become citizens, etc.

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