Monday, June 15, 2020

Too Much Of Me Online?

I was thinking over the weekend, as I was pondering car stuff that my kid and I have been up to (check his posse's channel and instagram and his car's instagram) that I should create a 'gram for my car. That way I can separate the car stuff from the other stuff.

Here's the thing: that would be 5 instagram accounts. FIVE!

I can barely keep up with the 4 I already have. Yes, I already have FOUR.

My personal, first (July 20, 2011), most posted on and longest lasting babyshots_dpt

This re-ignited my love of photography, and the necessity to crop and edit (with the filters) was crucial to re-develop my eye. My largest presence online, actually, and as you can see, that's not saying much.

Next (November 3, 2018) came the companion to my other blog OGLNAWLFB as I really got down to business with losing all the weight I'd gathered. I post on there more than I write on the blog because it's easier (and who has the time for all of this? See below for more thoughts).

I finally decided to create a website, after many years of thinking about it. Between the talent work I do and just wanting to own my presence/name online. After playing around on Squarespace and Wix, I went with Squarespace and had a deal for the first year. That led to a companion instagram account as of February 5, 2019.

Lastly, starting last summer (2019) I started vlogging on Youtube after a casual comment from my youngest. I've had a youtube channel for years, but it seemed that a surburban dad vlog wasn't a thing, so I started that and created a companion instagram for THAT as well... LOL Mostly, frankly, to pitch the merch I created on Teespring to go along with it. (actually, 2 Teespring sites)

As you can see, I've invested time and energy into this already, and another one just for my car would be a bit of a stretch! I do have some content though, and it would, as I said, separate that car stuff from the rest of the online "me." (note: I'll probably just use the Cincinnati Dad account, as it's most associated with the YouTube channel, but keep reading anyway, ok?)

That's the next point, of course: what about this online me?

There's this, almost the oldest online thing I've been involved in. I've been on Facebook (Oct 2008) slightly longer, My first post here was March 9, 2009. Twitter (April 2009) came next. I joined both Facebook and Twitter because my job essentially made me (my work FB may have been slightly older that the above date, I deleted that account when I got downsized there).

I just had the horrible thought that I shouldn't be putting all this info out here, but it's all out there anyway...

I started my second blog on Jan 14th 2013 when I decided I was fat and wanted to do something about it. That didn't really happen until 2018! LOL. Like I said above, instagram is easier to post to, especially that there hasn't been an iphone app for Blogger for years (so frustrating).

Let's not forget About Me. It has links to most of the above, plus my Tumblr (since August of 2013 as a place to post non-instagram iphone pics, and which I branded to go along with this blog) and Flickr. I signed up on (in search of a cheap/free website alternative) August 5 2011!

The funny thing is that I've been secretive about all of these, with the exception of maybe Pinterest (because you had to be invinted and share and all that crap) and Twenty20, which is in my personal Instagram bio for all to see (in hopes they might buy and image). I have an Alamy account for stock photos as well as some photos on Adobe Stock.

But I haven't told anyone about pretty much any of these. There are some accidental discoveries, you know, as instagram recommends my other accounts to friends because we are already connected via my main personal one. I've had this blog as my "website" in my FB profile for years, but as far as I know that hasn't led to any hits.... Why? What's the point of having all these places online and not sharing? That's easy, fear of being judged, mostly by family! LOL I mean, it's sad, but the ones I should expect the most support from are the ones I feel confident would subject me to the most ridicule. That's a damn shame, isn't it?

Oh well, this was a bit of fun for me collecting all these links so they'd be in one place. I'll think I'll take that convertible for a drive....


If you got this far, I am on my second go round trying to make some extra cash as an Amazon Associate and so far NO SALES so I may get rejected AGAIN. Click a link below and buy something, ok?  THANKS!!!

My favorite tea, drink with me! Amazon affiliate links for stuff I use: Boya Lapel Mic: Gorillapod 3k: XT1: XM1(with XC16-50): XF 35mm WR: XC50-230: Soft Bag Inserts (makes any bag a camera bag):