Monday, September 17, 2018

Kavanaugh Getting Billy Bush'd

Look, I have no dog in this hunt, but I do want to point out that this Kavanaugh accusation has one pertinent point worth expressing.

The Democrats purposely help onto the information and accusation until it was like a dirty bomb, just like they did with the Billy Bush tape of Trump. That was true, but the timing was dirty. They dropped it at a point of the campaign where it would inflict maximum damage, even though they had had it for some time. This is how one wages war, after all.

I have no idea if Kavanaugh tried to get this girl naked, the accusation is fairly credible, actually (although the fact that she's a big Dem, donor and all), but the timing is dirty, as has been pointed out: they saved this for a bomb, instead of bringing it up when it would have made sense to bring up. During the hearings, etc, this could have been addressed and responded to, but they held on until his nomination and confirmation process was looking like a lock.

This is war being waged, after all.

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