Monday, September 28, 2015

Maxims, Guidance, Vision Walls, Affirmations, And The Like.

I have a favorite fitness guru, and he drives me crazy sometimes. If he knew me, I'd drive him nuts, too, by the way, because I've been reading his emails and stuff for years and never do any of it, so my life is the same it was before because of my laziness. That's a different post!

Why does he drive me crazy? Because he mixes fantastic content with crappy affiliate marketing crap. Argh.

Today's combo of the two was this email which then linked to his for-sale program somewhere at the bottom of one of the longest email marketing letters (that AWAI probably taught him to write, which was the marketing email I got three times from his sites last week) followed closely by this other email from his main site with great life advice.  That linked to his 12 rules, which are also good.

So the score is 3 great bits of info and 5 crap marketing crap. IF I had his ear for a moment, I'd beg him to kill the affiliate scam-style links, but that's how everyone is making heir money I suppose.

I agree with this especially:

The philosopher Immanuel Kant believed that we must all have maxims, a short list of essential rules for living, that should be strictly adhered to and followed for the rest of one’s life.
That is the Paradox of Success. More Structure = More Freedom. The freedom that people so desperately seek in life comes only from having more structure in your days. Celebrated author Paulo Coelho articulates it better, “Discipline and freedom are not mutually exclusive but mutually dependent because otherwise, you’d sink into chaos.”

I was just saying to someone last week that we, as humans, tend to forget our life lessons over and over again, and it is only by creating ways to remind ourselves, be it daily prayer, affirmations, vision walls or boards, or whatever, that we keep them in the forefront of our minds and then are able to live them.

This came up in church yesterday, funny how that works.... Wesleys' Simple Rules were:

  1. Do No Harm
  2. Do Good
  3. Stay in Love with God
Not easy, but simple.....

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Did I Mention I'm 50?

So, I've spent some time this morning thinking about what I can offer the world that's not what I'm currently doing, and I wanted to drop this thought: I've been 50 for two months and have nothing to show for it. Time to step up the game, David!

This morning's Youtube watching is this guy

So, I signed up for his site, started asking the 27 questions, blah blah blah, and in reading the comments on the video saw that he just died this past weekend in a climbing accident on Mt. Kilimanjaro. Typical Dave timing, like requesting information about being an extra on a local movie the day after the open call. Moron.

Ok, I shouldn't call myself a moron. Bad self talk is bad.

Most importantly, condolences to his wife and family, RIP.

Now, on to the self-help for me.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

VW THING THURSDAY!! I'ts Been A While....

So, I just found this Thing on Craigslist, which looks awfully familiar...

Asking $9000???????????

Seems like yesterday he was asking a LOT less..... $3800 or $3600 depending upon the post. Wow.

"This one has been hanging around on CL for a while, with several different links, and photos and prices.....

Needs body work
White with Green Fenders
No top
JOE (239) 249-0128

I've posted it before, too."