Thursday, May 9, 2013

Manly Things

I have been discovering a lot of sites, posts, etc., that purport to be "Manly" lately, and here are a few I like:

The Art of Manliness

Which led to a store/blog/whatever called Huckberry which is filled with cool stuff, you have to join, though, it's a discount retailer of sorts.

I also just happened upon a Manly version of Pinterest called Gentlemint which I like better than another one that appeared as well, Manteresting. You may like that one better, it has lots of pictures of beautiful females! They did post this article from The Art of Manliness, however, and that's a good thing!

1 comment:

  1. Manteresting may get a second look from me after posting about Bill Whittle's latest Afterburner...
