Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Your New Happiness Guru...and It Ain't Me!

I get a bazillion emails. I have unlimited storage on Yahoo email (everyone does, right?) so I sign up for giveaways and they're like "do you want to receive emails from Fender?" and I'm like "Sure? why not?" and suddenly I have a bazillion emails.

One I get is from an outfit called Shift, they usually start with a pretty girl in an instagram link, then blurbs about articles and links...

Today's noteworthy article was:

Lots of good stuff in there. Lots of good links in there. Lots of other good stuff....and the morning is gone, including listening in on 2 different work meetings (while working from home). 

and here is the one line I've been looking for literally for years. I found it once and have never been able to retrace my internet steps to find it again as I have written and talked about how to increase your happiness, even a little, every day. Let me state for the record, I agree with what this guy is saying, pretty much all of it. You aren't going to always be happy, so let that idea go and ENJOY THE LIFE YOU HAVE. Smile at yourself in the mirror a bunch in the morning = a better day, guaranteed.

So, I'll not clog the page here with more jabber. Read the links, click on more of them. Learn. But most importantly, find out what energizes you and do that more often. That's all, to start. 

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