Saturday, February 10, 2018

Who Pays Taxes, 2013-2015 Numbers

I haven't touched on this in a while, and I am continually frustrated by the IRS data being so many years behind. Here's where I got the data.

Here we go:

It's hard to read, but let's focus on the last lines and do some math, as they report this information the exact opposite of how we want to see it.

In 2013:

The bottom half of wage earners account for 11.49% of the total AGI in the country and paid 2.78% of the total income taxes.  Flip that and the top half paid 97.22% of the taxes.

The top 25% reported 68.1% of the AGI and paid 86.27% of the income taxes.

The top 10% reported 45.87% of the AGI and paid 69.8% of the income taxes.

The top 1% earned 19.04% of the AGI and paid 47.8% of the total income taxes.

I'm not rich, but I think there's no argument that "the rich" aren't paying their fair share of the taxes.

**** i found up to 2015, and it appears that the top 1% is paying more...

As you can see, the last column of the Total income tax share is trending downward, meaning that the top 1% must be increasing, paralleling the change in their portion of the AGI. 

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