Monday, November 23, 2015

Dreams, Dreams, Dreams

I had another memorable dream, enough to share....

I was in a sketchy-ish part of town, on foot, similar to a route I take to pick up one of my kids from school, but the dream version of it. Not much to recall from the first part, but I ended up running (for exercise: in this dream, I was a runner, which I am not currently) and met some local kids, not sure what they were up to, maybe no good, maybe just hanging out, so I engaged them in conversation (as I do), and invited them on my run to give them something constructive to do, and to train them about how to run.

I am not a runner, but, as previously mentioned, I am a volunteer coach and have been one for a long time. This dream made me out to know enough about running and training for whatever I was training for to be a mentor running coach for the brief run before the alarm went off. We ran through some vacant buildings, industrial-ish, in the neighborhood. Dodged some adults that would have wondered what we were doing!

So, if there is meaning, I assume it will present itself eventually, but I do think I need to break out the new pair of Adidas I bought because they were on sale a few months ago...

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