You see, I posted a video on Facebook the other day, me singing a duet for a wedding last year, The Prayer, that I thought went well and I had just received the video from the wedding videographer (as a dropbox link). As a quick sidebar, I had FB messaged them a long time ago, they said they needed to ask the family, and I pinged them a while back. Lately, the song has shown up on FB as people are posting songs and stuff because of the virus stay-at-home situation and I pinged them again. This time, they replied right away and sent me the link).
I received so many nice words, really. Friends from church, school, the gamut. Very kind of them.
But, I am here writing this to vent because no one, I repeat NO ONE from my family even so much as "liked" the video. Well, that's not correct, after a solid day up, a sister-in-law we affectionately (most of the time) call The Troll (long story) messaged me supportive comments and "liked" it. Two of my three kids are on FB, as is my wife. Nothing. Two out of three brothers and my sister, nothing. Two adult nephews? Nothing. Father-in-law, brother-in-law (or his frequent FB using GF), nieces, etc? NOTHING.
So, there it is, I'm not gonna lie, my feelings, the feelings of a 54 year old father that has been performing his entire life, are hurt. That sucks.
Why post here? No one reads this. Whew! That's why. That's why I didn't post on Twitter, my son reads my tweets. Sometimes.
Ok, enough whining, I just had to get it off my chest.